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For any undamaged product, simply return it with its included accessories and original packaging along with the original receipt (or gift receipt) within 14 days after purchase, and we will exchange it or offer a refund based upon the original payment method. In addition, please note the following: (1) Products can be returned only in the country in which they were originally purchased; and (2) Any digital/downloads (photos, videos, subscriptions, plans) are not eligible for return.


When we receive a valid warranty claim for a product purchased from us, we will either repair the relevant defect or replace the product. If we are unable to repair or replace the product within a reasonable time, the customer will be entitled to a full refund upon the prompt return of the product to us. We will pay for shipment of repaired or replaced products to customer and customer will be responsible for return shipment of the product to us.


To cancel an order, you must do so before your order has shipped. Digital and downloadable items such as videos, photos, subscriptions and plans are not eligible to be cancelled.

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